Certified Digital Marketing Professional

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Becoming a Certified Digital Marketing Professional will ensure you are equipped with the tools and skills needed to create a cohesive, effective online marketing strategy.

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Digital technologies have changed the way we work, live and communicate. We know this huge shift can pose challenges for your current role.

We understand that advancing and progressing your future career is important to you. That’s why we have designed a professional certification that can make a difference in your life. Industry-aligned, it can help you stand out from the crowd and highlight your capabilities. It can boost your credibility. It can transform you into a specialist in your field.

With 18,000 certified professionals across 100 countries, the Digital Marketing Institute sets the global standard in digital marketing and selling. We provide a certification that is designed by experts, to create experts.

Become a leader in your industry by becoming a certified digital marketing professional.

[luv_heading node=”h3″ title=”Why Certified Digital Marketing Professional?” font_color=”#001100″]

95% of our certified professionals are currently employed? Better yet, 81% were promoted after earning the certification. The Digital Marketing Institute sets the global standard in digital marketing and selling certification. They have certified more professionals to a single digital education standard than any other certification body.

Experience Growth!

Get this training solution

[luv_heading title=”Accreditation” font_color=”#001100″]

Students who successfully complete programme will receive a certificate as a Digital Marketing Professional from the Digital Marketing Institute UK.

[luv_heading title=”Modules” font_color=”#001100″]

There are ten modules in the program that covers in detail all of the disciplines involved in best practice digital marketing:

  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
  2. Search Marketing: SEO
  3. Search Marketing: PPC
  4. Digital Display Advertising (DDA)
  5. Email Marketing
  6. Social Media Marketing (Part 1)
  7. Social Media Marketing (Part 2)
  8. Mobile Marketing
  9. Analytics
  10. Strategy & Planning
[luv_heading title=”Duration & Date” font_color=”#001100″]

Duration: Online and Classroom